an NPO found by a cancer survivor herself. Who managed to get her best friend onboard to create the character, Bettie.

Our Story

I am a woman just like you. My age doesn’t matter. I might be a mother or I might be single. My race, culture or home language is not of great importance, but what is, is the fact that I had breast cancer not that long ago. My name is Bette Bandana and because of my journey with cancer, I am here to share my thoughts and discoveries with you.
What I want to tell you is that you are not alone on this journey! It was a very difficult

Reason for Establishment

We all have our ups and downs on this wonderful journey called life. Bettie Bandana started as an initiative when Retha van Greunen, in 2016 at the age of 40, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. when Retha van Greunen, in 2016 at the age of 40, was diagnosed with stage 3
breast cancer. She was faced with a lot of questions and was uncertain what to expect after being diagnosed. On this journey, she started to share with her friends some of the quotes
that pulled her through these agonizing and miserable moments. One of her best friends and
former roommate at university, Martie du Plooy, put pictures to these words and created a fictional character, Bettie Bandana was born! This made it now even more possible for Retha to share her story.

Bettie Bandana started to share these encouraging quotes that pulled Retha through, such as:
Bettie says: “You are stronger than you think!” and, “One day at a time…” OR “If you can put on your shoes, it means, there is still work to be done.”

Soon these words of encouragement made their way on to coffee mugs and calenders.
The product range was expanded and the Bettie Bandana box was created, these boxes became a symbol of hope filled with words of encouragement. A journey in a box, filled with practical tips, information and products that symbolize hope and encouragement to prepare cancer patients for the roller coaster ride ahead.

Nothing could prepare Bettiee Bandana for the impact she was about to make!

An NPO was founded to make even a bigger contribution, not only to cancer patients, but also to the greater community. Bettie Bandana became more than just a gift box for breast cancer patients…Bettie became a family! Bongi (for men), Billy & Bella (for kids) was born to include men and childhood cancer.

They joined hands with other local community partners to host exciting and uplifting projects. Today Bettie Bandana serves not only cancer patients, but also their families and the greater community with practical, emotional and physical support. Bettie Bandana aim to give a glimpse of hope to people that have lost their hope.

Support and Projects

At Bettie Bandana we aim to stay involved in our communities by reaching out through various projects and events such as: cancer awareness, uplifting community projects and fund raising. These projects and events are handpicked, that enables us to contribute and make an impact on specific needs.

We have build strong relationships with volunteers and community support groups as well as other NPO’s. Some of these partnerships include: Hospice, Pink Ladies, AmpucareSA, Life Hospital, Women’s Agricultural Union, local Schools, Bosom Buddies, Bootcamps and Survivor’s teas hosted by ABJ Oncology, the list goes on.

Through these projects we give back to our local communities to contribute, support and better-equip people, not only those effected by cancer, but where we can make a practical, physical and emotional difference in the lives around us.

Bettie Bandana’s involvement excludes medication and treatment.


Our mission is to bring hope and encouragement to the lives of people around us, through the
giving of gifts and words of encouragement we are able to make a physical, practical and emotional contribution in our local communities.